Liquid Logic Party Braaap Kayak
All Braaap up front with a party in the back!
You asked for it and Liquid Logic delivered. The Braaap 69 started the revolution but the Party Braaap carries the torch.
The Party Braaap has the exact same hull and bow design as the Braaap. The difference is that 2.5 gallons of volume have been sucked out of the stern deck making it concave. That significant drop in volume makes the Party Braaap a stern squirting, wall splatting, surfing machine while still being a pinpoint accurate river runner.
Now you have a choice! A more full volumed performance river runner in the Braaap or a more playful river runner in the Party Braaap.
Canoes and Kayaks are too bulky for courier companies. Your order will be delivered personally by one of our team. Lead times are up to 10 working days.